Saturday, January 12, 2013

Knitting Group at Otis Library

A couple of weeks ago we revived the knitting group at Otis Library. For the past two Fridays, from 10-11, we have had a wonderful turnout of some very gifted knitted and some brand new knitters, as well.

Group members have been sharing ideas and helping the newer knitters become more comfortable with the beginning stages. Even knitter that have never even picked up needles before have learned how to cast on and even knit a few rows.

We have discussed working on some preemie caps, chemo caps and squares that will be pieced together into a quilt. Patterns and yarn are available for the charity projects. We do have yarn and needles to practice feel free to drop-in!

Below are a couple of things that group members have made to donate to a local organization.

Blanket Squares

Preemie Caps
If you are interested in learning to knit, get better at knitting, would like to knit for charity or would like to just knit along with some fun people come on down on Friday from 10-11ish!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

will you be having another group like this if so when