Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hurricane Program at Otis Library

Seventy years ago this September one of the worst hurricanes hit the Northeastern seaboard. They called it the Long Island Express. The Otis Library will be highlighting the anniversary of the '38 Hurricane with a program by Meteorologist Art Horn. He will be presenting the program "Hurricane: The Ultimate Storm". It is guaranteed to be an exciting program.

To reserve your spot for this program, please call 889-2365 x100.

PBS has an excellent website dedicated to the stories of the victims and a Teacher's Guide if anyone was interested in doing that as a lesson plan.

They also have some great pictures on the site of the Connecticut State Library.

If you have any pictures or stories about the Norwich, CT area during or after the '38 Hurricane that you would like to share or give to the library we would be interested in hearing from you.

Fine Free September at Otis Library

Attention Otis Patrons:

If you are too embarrassed to bring back your long overdue items, don't wait any longer!!! Starting September 1st at 9am and ending September 30th at 8pm, Otis Library will wipe those nasty fines away! We don't mind it if you drop them off in the book drop at the library, or the drops at Marcus Plaza, Dime Bank or Meadow Plaza. (Anything due before 2006 must be returned in person to get them cleared off their records.)

If those long overdue items have been staring at you from under the coffee table or have just fallen out of your child's back pack from June---don't worry we will let you get away with it for free!

Well, there is one thing...they must be in good working order. If they are falling apart you will need to pay the piper, or in this case the library. We do have some exciting databases, programs and items that you might like to check out in the future...and it would be so much easier if you just bite the bullet and clean up your library card.

Monday, August 18, 2008

When You're Waiting at the Library

A lot of times people come in to the library to kill time, have a meeting, or just use our public computers. Don't forget while you have some extra time on your hands we have a large magazine and newspaper collection. Newspapers include: The Day, The Norwich Bulletin, The Boston Globe, The Providence Journal, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times.

We have a list of the magazines here. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Just so you know, the newest issue of a magazine doesn't circulate, but the past issues do.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Introductory Computer Classes at Otis Library

I have been asked quite a few times about why the library doesn't offers computer classes. Due to the interest and your suggestions, the Otis Library will be offering an introductory computer class. If the interest continues, we will hopefully be offering more computers classes, such as word processing, spreadsheets, internet, etc.

This two-part class will be offered on September 3 & 10 at 9-9:45 am. If you, or someone you know in Norwich, CT would like to learn more about the basics of computers you can register for the class at, 889-2365 x112. Or send an e-mail to: ref@otis.lioninc.org

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Perseids are in Norwich!

Don't worry it is just a meteor shower! The Perseid's spark a lot of interest in the astronomical world. (Well at least I think the do). They have some really nice pictures at NASA. The picture below is also from NASA.
As long as there is little to no clouds, you should be able to see a good meteor show, but do try to stay away from the city lights. You can always check the Norwich weather here.

In my day Pluto was still a planet... which makes me wonder if all the books at Otis are up to date, and if we have taken out the "Pluto as a planet" references. Hmm, we'll have to see.

Anyway, for all of you Norwich residents who are looking for something to do between 2:00 am and 4:00 am on August 12th, go outside and see a meteor shower! Unfortunately, I can not tell your boss that you are excused from work because you are too tired from becoming astronomically educated.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wireless at Otis Library

If you have a laptop or PDA and your wireless connection is on the fritz; feel free to come by the library and use our open (and free) wi-fi connection. The connection is available from right out side the front door throughout the whole building. You are more than welcome to eat, drink and chat with your friends and use your laptop over in our Media Center. As you come in the front door the Media Center is on the left.

We also have a couple of study rooms that you can book at the reference desk (@ 889-2365 x108) for two hour time periods. These rooms would be great if you are studying for a big exam, or you have a group project and need to talk freely. The wireless is accesible in these rooms as well.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Norwich's Roses and Gardens

Some of the best flowers are in bloom right now in August. It is the perfect time to pick up your camera and add some art to your walls. If you have forgotten all the camera techniques, (or didn't know them in the first place) the library has an extensive collection of books and magazines geared towards fine tuning your camera knowhow. We have the rose garden at Mohegan Park is in its final throws of summer.

This is also the time to freeze and can your picks from your garden. Tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers and more should be ready to be taken off the vines and put into some great recipes for dinner or put up for the winter. All recipes can be found in these books here.